Star Trek: Navigating the Galaxy

New to Star Trek? Start here!

Detailed watchlists for each series

(well… Soon. Ish. Work in progress…)

Star Trek for Beginners


WHAT is going ON??

Oh, you flatter me! I’m not an expert. I’m a fan. I’m a fan of science fiction and I’m a fan of progress- so… I’m obviously a fan of Star Trek.
I started watching Star Trek as a wee baby, I grew up with The Original Series in reruns and then cried just a little bit when The Next Generation premiered. Because I looooved it. So. Much. (In case that wasn’t obvious.)
My love for the series will definitely blind me to some (many) things, and allow me to gloss over a lot of the more problematic aspects…  (i’m looking at you TOS). But my love for the series also encouraged my curiosity and challenged me to think about all sorts of things differently. And frankly, a future space utopia is fun. I like fun. I like big speeches and underdog stories and smart people working together to make things better. I like seeing competent people doing their jobs passionately and professionally because they want to be their best selves.
Also… You don’t have to listen to me. Go! Explore!